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Camera degli Sposi

Museum Emilia, Italy

Camera degli Sposi

The Camera degli Sposi, called in the ancient chronicles Camera picta ("painted room"), is a room located in the north-east tower of the Castle of San Giorgio in Mantua.

It is famous for the cycle of frescoes that covers its walls, a masterpiece by Andrea Mantegna, created between 1465 and 1474. Mantegna studied a fresco decoration that invested all the walls and vaults of the ceiling, adapting to the architectural limits of the environment , but at the same time illusionistically breaking through the walls with paint, as if the space were dilated well beyond the physical limits of the room. The general theme is a political-dynastic celebration of the entire Gonzaga family, with the occasion of the election of Francesco Gonzaga as cardinal.

Intero: 12 €

+39 0424 89182

Castello di San Giorgio, Piazza Sordello, 40, 46100 Mantova MN, Italia

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