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Sam's Grill

Restaurant San Francisco, California

Discover tasty combinations of Sam's Grill

The history of Sam's Grill dates back to 1867, when an Irishman, Michael Bolan Moraghan, began selling fresh oysters at a stall in the outdoor market at the base of California Street. The restaurant is very retro, with some wooden booths that create small intimate spaces where you can enjoy excellent fresh fish, all accompanied by easy-going service and very attentive and kind waiters.

The history of Sam's Grill actually stretches back to 1867, when an Irishman began selling the delicious fresh oysters that were abundant in San Francisco Bay. He made his oysters an amazing dish.

20$ Hangtown Fry

+1 415-421-0594

SF City
374 Bush St, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA

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