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Historical Building Lake Garda, Italy

One Riva del Garda’s symbols Bastione

The Bastione is part of a 16th century Venetian fortress in Riva del Garda. The Bastion was built during the Venetian domination of Rivas (1440-1509) by an unknown master builder on a previously undeveloped area. The construction, which began at the end of 1507, ended in the final phase of the Venetian Rivas era and was intended to protect the city on the shores of Lake Garda from attacks from the north. Between 2002 and 2008, the Autonomous Province of Trento extensively restored the complex, making the inside of the tower accessible again via a steel staircase.

22 730025

Riva del Garda
59GC+3F6, Athinas, Nicosia 1016, Cyprus

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